Career Development & Exploration assists you from your first day on campus until your last (and beyond!). No matter your year in school, it is important to have the right tools, resources and strategies to help you make the most of your Cleveland State experience as you move into the world of work.
Our Career Development & Exploration Roadmap below will help contribute to your success at Cleveland State and beyond:
on your strengths, talents, interests, and personality traits, and how they align with potential career paths.
Reflection question: What do you envision when you think of your ideal work life?
Action: Identify 3-5 potential career paths, industries, or majors that resonate with you. Connect with a Career Specialist to discuss recommendations for career paths based on your strengths, interests, values, and personality traits.
My Majors: Explore and match your academic major options based on interests, personality, and academic aptitude and achievement.
Work Values: What matters most to you when it comes to your career and work life?
Holland Code Assessment on My Next Move: Identify your Holland Code and corresponding career paths. Which types do you identify most with? R: Realistic (Doer), I: Investigative (Thinker), A: Artistic (Creator), S: Social (Helper), E: Enterprising (Persuaders), C: Conventional (Organizer)
VIA Survey of Character Strengths: Reflect on positive aspects of your personality character traits and how they might be applied to career paths.
Personality Assessment: What drives, inspires, and worries your personality type? Take a deep dive into your personality to reflect on how to navigate the world around you?
potential career paths, document your findings, and identify career paths to explore further.
Reflection questions: What is the economic outlook for your careers of interest? What knowledge, skills, and abilities are required? How does your major prepare you for your career?
Action: Collaborate with a Career Specialist to develop a plan for your career exploration. Compile and review career research. Select 2-3 career paths of interest to explore.
What can I do with this major? Learn about typical career areas and types of employers that hire people with each major as well as strategies to make you a more marketable candidate.
My Next Move: Easy-to-use search options and career overviews including video content, economic outlook, and salary information.
Occupational Outlook Handbook: Take a deep dive into typical duties, work environment, education, income, and job outlook for hundreds of occupations.
My Plan: Unbiased data and research on colleges, careers, and majors.
with your network to leverage their information and resources. Participate in activities that provide exposure, knowledge, and connection to your career paths of interest.
Reflection question: Who is already in your network and how can you grow my network?
Action: What activity can you commit to, to gain exposure, knowledge and connection? Partner with a Career Specialist to select meaningful activities and experiences.
Identify who is in your network. Fill in the networking pie and identify individuals in your network that can support your career development and exploration.
Complete an Informational Interview to cultivate your network and gain insight to career paths.
Job Shadow.
Join a student organization. Develop leadership skills, network, and practice important skills related to your career development.
CSU Office of Civic Engagement. Idealist. Business Volunteers Unlimited. Volunteer. Engage in civic, employment, experiential, leadership, and co-curricular involvement opportunities and experiences while contributing to the civic, academic, social, and economic well-being of Cleveland, its neighborhoods, and the Northeast Ohio region
Research & Independent Studies: Participate in an engaged learning experience that involves intellectual inquiry and faculty mentoring as you perform meaningful research on campus.
On-campus employment and internship program. Take your campus job to the next level by engaging in project-based work and professional development activities.
your knowledge, skills and abilities through your college coursework and projects.
Reflection question: What do you love to learn about? How can your major prepare you for your career?
Action: Take a deep dive into your degree map and the course catalog to identify the courses that best support your goals.
Partner with your Academic Advisor to select a major and course schedule that aligns with your goals and interests.
Review course descriptions and academic major descriptions on the course catalog. Identify courses of interest. Select courses that enhance your skill development. Identify courses that may be challenging.
Connect with the Tutoring & Academic Success Center for free tutoring services, study strategies, and other academic support .
Use the Writing Center to strengthen your writing skills and elevate your grades on written projects.
Does your career path include education beyond your Bachelors degree? Educate yourself on graduate programs, requirements, and application processes.
Engage in ongoing skill development to enhance your skill set and career opportunities.
We are here to support you as you explore!
Email us to schedule an appointment, or self schedule using the button below.