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Career Exploration: Self-Evaluation Questions

Updated: Apr 10, 2023


  • What activities and industries interest me?

  • What words would I use to describe myself?

  • How would others describe me?

  • What do I dream of doing?

  • What subject areas am I most passionate about?

  • What do I like to do in my free time?


  • What are my strengths and weaknesses?

  • What skills do I want to apply in a job?

  • What skills do I need to further develop?

  • What is my decision-making style: rational or intuitive?


  • What is important to me: money, recognition, work/life balance?

  • How would I like to be challenged on the job: physically, intellectually, creatively?

  • What social values am I interested in: literacy, poverty, healthcare?

Personal Traits

  • What words would I use to describe myself?

  • What personal qualities enable me to be successful at work?

  • How do I see myself interacting with: supervisors, coworkers?

  • What are the job functions that interest me?

  • In what type of work environment would I be happy: working independently, brainstorming in a group?

  • What can I do to explore and prepare for these options?

  • What related coursework and hands-on experiences would be beneficial?

  • What transferrable skills do I possess?

Career Exploration: Self-Evaluation Questions

Directions: Consider the following statements to help you determine where you need to spend additional time and energy in making a good career decision. Make an appointment with a career specialist to start your career exploration and development process.

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Self-Evaluation Questions
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