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So You Are Ready For A Career Move? Do Some Reflection First!

Woman sitting by an office window with a coffee cup and laptop in front of her. She has her hand on her chin and is looking outside contemplatively.
Photo by Sora Shimazaki on Pexels

Do you meet the following criteria?

  • A minimum of 2 years in your current job

  • A solid record of accomplishments

  • Hungry for a new challenge

  • Know what you want from a new position

  • Desire to “grow with-in “or “onward and upward?”

Defining your ideal job description

  1. Describe in as much detail as possible what you are looking for in a new job.

  2. Don’t forget to dream big!

  3. Visualize it.

  4. Research and think about the following:

    • Part-time, full-time, remote or contract?

    • What type of responsibilities you are looking for? Consider: what responsibilities have you liked from your previous jobs?

    • What type of responsibilities are you looking to avoid? Consider: what responsibilities have you disliked from your previous jobs?

    • What skills do you want to develop?

    • What workplace values are you seeking?

    • Do you want to work independently or as part of a team—or both?

    • Do you enjoy meetings. If so, what % of time would you ideally like spent in meetings?

    • Ideal location?

    • Are you willing to relocate? If so…where?

    • Ideal title?

    • Ideal environment?

    • Ideal boss?

    • What else is important to you when thinking of a job?

    • Finally, be sure to consider the following: salary, benefits and commute.

Suggested exercises for next steps

  1. Take an inventory of your strengths, personality and transferable skills. Be able to articulate these as contributions for a potential organization.

  2. Make a list of accomplishments. Be able to quantify and qualify in terms of numbers or percentages. Incorporate these in your resume.

  3. Make a list of people you want to network with.

  4. Develop your elevator pitch.

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