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So You Are Ready For A Career Move? Do Some Reflection First!

Updated: Apr 10, 2023

Do you meet the following criteria?

  • A minimum of 2 years in your current job

  • A solid record of accomplishments

  • Hungry for a new challenge

  • Know what you want from a new position

  • Desire to “grow with-in “or “onward and upward?”

Defining your ideal job description

  1. Describe in as much detail as possible what you are looking for in a new job.

  2. Don’t forget to dream big!

  3. Visualize it.

  4. Research and think about the following:

    • Part-time, full-time, remote or contract?

    • What type of responsibilities you are looking for? Consider: what responsibilities have you liked from your previous jobs?

    • What type of responsibilities are you looking to avoid? Consider: what responsibilities have you disliked from your previous jobs?

    • What skills do you want to develop?

    • What workplace values are you seeking?

    • Do you want to work independently or as part of a team—or both?

    • Do you enjoy meetings. If so, what % of time would you ideally like spent in meetings?

    • Ideal location?

    • Are you willing to relocate? If so…where?

    • Ideal title?

    • Ideal environment?

    • Ideal boss?What else is important to you when thinking of a job?

    • Finally, be sure to consider the following: salary, benefits and commute.

Suggested exercises for next steps

  1. Take an inventory of your strengths, personality and transferable skills. Be able to articulate these as contributions for a potential organization.

  2. Make a list of accomplishments. Be able to quantify and qualify in terms of numbers or percentages. Incorporate these in your resume.

  3. Make a list of people you want to network with.

  4. Develop your elevator pitch.

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Ready for a Career Move
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