What do you value? Your values can be demonstrated by your choices. Keep in mind that there are no right or wrong values; rather it is a process of identifying what matters most to you. Understanding your values will help you think about where and how you want to work. Circle all that apply!
Achievement/Advancement: With dedication and hard work, there is opportunity to “move up”
Adventure: Enjoy risk-taking; experiencing new and novel situations
Balance: Personal and work life in proper perspective, with time for both
Competence: The ability to demonstrate a high degree of expertise, mastery of job skills, knowledge
Competition: Enjoy rivalry, competitiveness, don’t mind “the struggle”
Creativity: Generate new ideas, programs, structures or anything else that is unique
Efficiency: Organization, order, orderliness, planning, regulation, logicality, coherence, productivity
Expertise: Where others recognize my skill and begin to ask for my advice as an “expert” on a subject
Flexibility/flexible hours: The ability to get work done, regardless of location or hours
Fun: Enjoying my work; culture/environment is light
Help/Concern for Others: Helping other people in a direct way, either individually or impacting a system
High Income: Choosing an occupation in which I could expect to earn a high salary
Independence: Determine the nature of my work without significant direction from others; being empowered and having the flexibility to make decisions
Intellectual Stimulation: Doing work that keeps my mind active and forces me to think about complex concepts
Job Security: Feeling safe that my job will always be there
Learning: Being able to continually learn new skills and acquire new knowledge and understanding
Make a Difference: Knowing that the world is a better place because of the work I do
Collegiality: Working with people I like; wanting people I work with to like me
Prestige: Doing work that others consider important; people will respect me and look up to me because of my occupation
Time for Family/Self: Having enough time for myself and my family; work/life integration
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Labor Code 558 - Making sure that there is compliance with wage and hour standards is one of the most fundamental parts of California's labor laws. It provides the Labor Commissioner with the authority to hold investigations and administrative penalties against employers for violations involving overtime pay, meal and rest break withholdings, and other labor laws. The penalties therein are considered on a per-employee basis and, as such, ensure very strong deterrents against forced labor practices. For workers affected by wage theft or unlawful working conditions, Labor Code 558 provides a path to seek accountability and fair compensation. Learn more about how this law protects employees: https://consumerattorneys.com/article/labor-code-558.