The voice-recorded workshops were recorded in 2022-23 by staff of the Office of Career Development & Exploration. They are intended for use by students preparing to go into pre-professional programs.
The following workshops are intended for new students, transfer students and new post-baccalaureate students. All students should attend or watch each of these at least once.
Building a Pre-Professional Resume
Shadowing in the Health Professions
Resume Writing for Pre-Professional Students
Applicant Track Workshops are intended for students preparing to apply to professional health programs. Students should watch The Application Process and Writing for the Application followed by the Test Preparation workshops if applicable. Once finished with the online workshops, it is suggested that all students schedule an appointment with a pre-professional Career Specialist to talk about your individual issues and questions you may have. To make an appointment, visit Handshake (log in using CSU credentials) or call 216-687-2233.
Test Preparation Workshops are intended for students preparing for entrance exams for their careers. Students should watch the applicable Information Session followed by the Study Strategies for Exam Success Session.