Our staff is passionate about empowering you as you develop and recognize your strengths and the unique talent you bring to the workplace. We’ll work with you to prepare you for the world of work—and will help you understand the power of your own story and how to leverage your networks.
It goes like this: wherever you are in your professional development, come in and see us.
Email careers@csuohio.edu any time to make an appointment, or self-schedule here.
Appointments are available Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday from 8 am to 5 pm.
We can help with:
- Career coaching and exploration
- Support and coaching for those seeking entry into professional school or graduate programs
- In-depth resume and cover letter review
- Professional presence coaching and networking tips
- Mock interview experience in a safe practice setting
- Taking a professional headshot for your LinkedIn profile
...and more!
If you have an upcoming online job or internship interview, let us know if you'd like to use one of our quiet, private rooms in Rhodes Tower West 280 for it! Reserve an interview room by filling out this form.
Career coaching is free for current undergraduate students, graduate students, and alumni of Cleveland State University. It is available as an in-depth, scheduled appointment with a professional CDE staff member.
Career coaching helps you examine your needs and shares strategies, tactics and resources that align with those needs. From career exploration to planning for your job search and more, career coaching is focused on YOU and what is important to you.​
Career coaching is a team sport: your Career Coach will teach you strategies and point you to resources so you can make informed decisions about your professional development journey and feel empowered to take action.
Consider your goals for the coaching session. Many people have several concerns and hope they will all be resolved in one appointment. It's helpful to remember that career coaching is a process that takes time and requires patience. Select the appointment type that best reflects what you need most at this time. You can always schedule another appointment later as your needs change!
Arrive on time
Find out where the appointment will take place, and even visit the location beforehand so you know where you are going and how to get there. If you are running late, please call our office.
Come back
The first appointment is just the beginning. Career coaches can offer relevant support for every phase of your professional life in college and beyond. Your goals, interests and needs are likely to evolve over time, raising new questions and concerns. A return visit with your coach can help you accomplish your goals and keep moving toward a satisfying career.